
Playa Bowls Happenings

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Recent Articles

5 Ways Traveling Can Benefit Your Health and Career

5 Ways Traveling Can Benefit Your Health and Career

Recently, I did a quick trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to open our (get this) 71st store! Being on the road made me think back to the days before being head Playa Boss Babe, when I would wake up, eat a bowl, surf all day long, and repeat in exotic surf towns all across the […]

Saved By The Bowl: The Exotic Purple Food That Got Me Out Of Scrubs And Launched A Phenomenon

Saved By The Bowl: The Exotic Purple Food That Got Me Out Of Scrubs And Launched A Phenomenon

This is part 2 in a content mini series. Read part one here.   I’m standing in the operating room at Monmouth Medical Center, using a laser pointer to show the surgeon where to put a suture. There’s an unconscious body on the operating table, some dude with his shoulder sliced wide open. We’re halfway through a two-hour […]

From Umbrella Stand To Million Dollar Franchise, This Is How We Created Playa Bowls

From Umbrella Stand To Million Dollar Franchise, This Is How We Created Playa Bowls

Graduated college. Check. Worked 7 days a week at the local bar for far too long. Check. Traveled to California, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Check.   Now, what?   We’ve all been there or are about to be. Got that degree, hustled to attain the goal of traveling or moving out of […]

From Stand to Brand: How To Build An Empire In Your Flip Flops

From Stand to Brand: How To Build An Empire In Your Flip Flops

Beginnings are tough. This May will be five years since me and Abby dragged my roommate’s little modular K-Mart patio bar down the stairs of my apartment and out to the sidewalk of Ocean Avenue in Belmar, New Jersey. That was our business model back in 2014- a blender, a freezer, two umbrellas and some […]

Pineappleland 2.0 – Playa Bowls Launches New Website & Brand Refresh

Pineappleland 2.0 – Playa Bowls Launches New Website & Brand Refresh

Hello, all! As we continue to open new stores across the country, and hear from our community about how important online ordering is throughout the year, I decided that it was time for a complete overhaul of our digital ecosystem. If you’re reading this, you’re probably already noticing some significant changes! Over the past few […]

Winter Bowls Launch

Winter Bowls Launch

What Up Playa People! New Winter Bowls are here and available at all Playa Bowls locations starting December 1, 2018. – January 15, 2019. These new bowls are EVERYTHING, so be sure to stop by a Playa Bowls location near you to try them out!  

Introducing Playa Acai

Introducing Playa Acai

Acai – pronounced ahh-sigh-eee – is an antioxidant-rich superfruit that grows in hanging bunches on the giant palm trees along the Amazon River in Brazil. They are the tasty, healthy staple upon which this brand was built. The only edible part on the berry itself is the skin which surrounds a large seed. Pure acai […]

Fall Bowls Return (with friends!)

Fall Bowls Return (with friends!)

New season, new bowls! At Playa Bowls we love to keep things fresh and forward-thinking. In that spirit we’re releasing a bunch of Fall Specials. We will be adding four new bowls to our menu this season, including three beloved classics, two new oatmeal bowls and a brand new smoothie! All these will be available […]